Therapeutic house of secrets

Therapeutic house of secrets

- Therapeutic house of secrets - Therapeutic room-house is designed to create a private sensory space.
- Therapeutic room - the cottage is perfect for people with autism spectrum disorders who need to create a safe, private space.
- Particularly suitable for use with elements that glow in the dark.
- The cottage is made of strong foam, covered with artificial leather.


Note: The quantity of certain goods is currently very limited, so please before the purchase, make sure that the goods are in stock. Contact the customer service staff and they will inform you about the delivery time. Free order line 8 800 00225, e-mail:

IMPORTANT: Pictures of the goods may not correspond to the actual appearance, colour, configuration or shape of the goods and their packaging. The information in the product description is general and may not coincide with the information on the product packaging. The data provided on the stocks and prices of goods may in some cases differ from the actual price of the goods and their stocks in stores.

Product code: INN-08-01

Length: 120cm
Width: 100cm
Height: 121cm
Board width 10.5cm